bread $2.99
strawberries $2.00
cheese cubes $2.00
spaghetti sauce $3.58
watermelon $1.91
lunch meat $3.79
bananas $.52
1 orange $1.19
1 onion $.44
eggs $1.49
That's great, right! WRONG! I sent Jordan to the store to buy 1 head of lettuce because we were having cheeseburgers (we had buns & the burgers in the freezer!) and I wanted to have lettuce for them. He comes home with several bags of groceries! I casually peeked into the bags and saw two tomatoes (which we already had tomatoes), 2 avocados (at $2 a pop), the lettuce, and a bag of cheddar sunchips. I said to him, you know I'm trying to only spend $100 this month on groceries, right? His reply, "Well, I'm not going to starve!" What?! I'm in the process of making dinner - we are 15 minutes away from eating and how is what you bought going to keep you from starving?! lol! Here's the damage:
2 tomatoes $2.73
2 avocados $3.98
head of lettuce $1.69
sunchips $3.00
With tax it came to $11.63 plus my $20.81 gives us a grand total of $32.44 for week two. We should have only spent $26.62 for week two so we went over by about $6. We had $73.87 left and now we have $41.43 for the last two weeks. Which is about $20 for each week. Yikes!
We've used a lot of food out of our freezer, which I think you can really tell by the picture.
Our pantry kind of looks the same to me as last week or at least not such a huge change like the freezer.
Honestly, I haven't been starving my husband. Here are a few meals that we've had for dinner:
London broil, perogies, steamed carrots, salad
Cheese burgers, sweet potato fries, corn on the cob
Spaghetti with sausage, garlic bread, salad
Mandarin orange chicken, broccoli, rice
And a few breakfasts:
Fried eggs & toast
Steak quesadilla from the london broil
Ham sandwiches
Peanut butter & jelly sandwiches
Left over's ;)
Even though we went over our amount for week two I am still feeling pretty happy about how much money we've been spending at the store. I think as long as I have some chips in the pantry my husband won't think he's starving! ;)
Jim has been in the same boat as i am determined to clear out the freezer{both of them} and the pantry! Duggan men are famous for loving to go to the grocery...especially without a firm list..surprised there were not oreos's in the bag..what helpers they are!!! Great job on the meals! Lynn
Lynn is famous for picking on the Duggan men.
I wonder what the charts and graphs would look like if you took everything in your fridge and wrote down the calories and nutritional content, then added it all up. I bet there's enough calories in there to run off of for a few weeks!
I think we could probably go another 2 weeks without buying any groceries and still have food to eat. It might be eating random cans of black beans, frozen fruit & dry cereal but we could definitely do it. I'm not taking this challenge that far though. :)
Jordan likes to snack on chips when he gets home for work - he's not a big cookie fan! I'm not sure I'd complain if he brought home oreos! ;)
This is such a great idea, but I don't think we would survive one week! :)
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